Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Phyllis Seckler
5641 27th Avenue Sacramento 20, Calif.
Nov 3, 1959
Dear Phyllis,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have not received a reply to my letter of June 27th, but take it that you are as busy as I am. Anyway a number of things have happened recently, so I thought I would drop you a quick note. For one thing, I have a new address, as of above. Also I am spending a great deal of time studying for examinations with the hope of promotion in the civil service. Right now I could sure use the money. As you mentioned in your letter of Dec 6, Karl [Karl Germer] is getting old and is bedeviled with fear. That may not be all he is bedeviled with, but anyway my relations with him, which have been deteriorating for some time, have just reached what I can only refer to as a "crisis stage." As I am sure you know, he loaned money to several of us a few years ago. Apparently Meeka [Meeka Aldrich] refused to pay him back, I don't know about your status, but I have been paying him $10 a month, as we agreed. Also there was never any question of interest on the loan. I messed the payment in September, but as he had authorized me to deduct $50 from the loan for a Book of Thoth I had given him and he had sold to [X], I am way ahead on my payments. Nevertheless he has just written threatening to take the "necessary steps," whatever that means to have me repay the balance of the loan, amount unspecified and indeed I don't think he knows, "with interest!" What it seems to me, Phyllis, is that he has isolated himself up there on that damn mountain with no one but Sascha [Sascha Germer] to pour poison into his soul and nothing to do but brood on trivial items, such as whether Grady's $10 check will arrive on the first of the month. Apparently the September lapse was just enough to set his fuse. Anyway the upshot is that I am planning on going up to see him Saturday, Nov 7th, and have written him that I am coming. So I thought I would let you know and see if you are also interested, or able, to make the trip at the present time. If you are, and want to drive up, I plan on stopping at the Richfield Station in West Point for a few minutes around 10 AM Saturday morning. If you can't do that but can take the bus, I can meet you at the Greyhound Station in Sacramento Saturday morning if you will let me know what bus you will be on. I have also dropped a note to [M], so if he is interested you might check with him about pooling transportation. His address is 1019 Hampshire St., Apt 3, in San Francisco in case you may have mislaid it.
Out of all this a great deal of good could come. Who knows what we might be able to arrive at if we for together with Karl in person just so he could have someone besides Sascha to talk to? Also I would like to get together with you for an astrology lesson. After your last communication I decided that the whole thing was hopelessly confused until I could get some personal instruction.
In any case, if you let me know that you might be able to come, and he replies that he will not be home, I will let you know as soon as possible, by telegram if necessary. Must be all for now. I am terribly rushed.
Love is the law, love under will.