Correspondence from Karl Germer to Grady McMurtry
West Point, Calif. Box 173
Nov. 10, 1959.
Dear Grady:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
There are two things I have to mention to-day and I hasten to write you.
The first and urgent one is that things have turned up forcing me to put up cash before Nov. 30. The only way to pay it is that I have to accept your offer to raise the balance of your debt now. Please act in the sense you offered, and try to send me your check as early as possible.
The second point refers to your desire to form a group to teach Thelema, to which I gave you my approval. I still do and hope you succeed in bringing in fresh blood. What has made me doubt is when I saw you in the total ignorance of many of A.C.'s works, and especially are not familiar with the Holy Books, one of the fundaments of the Work. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith], at least, despite his distortion of the idea of Thelema, knew them by heart more or less. He had the best collection of A.C.'s works, had studied them, and worked hard. His aspiration was impure and he was thrown out of the Order by A.C. But how do you expect to teach what you do not know, what you have not gone through yourself—which is entirely against the first rule of the A∴A∴?
I suggest you search yourself severely before you begin something that is bound to break you forever if started on the 'wrong foot'.
My condition remains: that you inform me about the method you employ to gather adherents; the way you test them: how you plan to protect yourself; that you send me the names (and possibly horoscopes or birth data) of members.
Love is the law, love under will.