Correspondence from Karl Germer to Grady McMurtry
West Point, Calif. Box 173
Dec. 2, 1959.
Dear Grady:
Care Frater:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I must not leave your last letter (and check) go unanswered or unchallenged. It has led me to examine your whole position in the Order. I have and had told you the 666 discussed with me to keep you for a prominent position in the Order. I was only too willing to accept this. What have you done in the last twelve years to justify and earn this position? Instead of a Plus you have been a great MINUS. Others have at one time or another helped the Work financially and otherwise. Your "help" consisted of sponging on the Order, and, very probably did other damage. This sponging shows itself blatantly in your letter.
It has been nearly three and a half years that I loaned you that money, asking you many times to return it as it was badly needed. Now at last you pay back the balance but not one word about interest which I have been paying myself! You even deduct $50 for a Book of Thoth, while you yourself seem to have flooded the market with your copies at ridiculous prices (one copy was sold for, I believe, $12 or $15, as I heard.) Not one word of apology for your delinquency—not one in all these years!
To top it, you sold the car for which I gave you the cash behind my back, without first paying me—a fraudulent thing even in Law—worse than that when under the Bonds of the Order! More, you used the new car—not to see me to explain, but to visit so-called members of the Order and intrigue against me, plot against me.
I can disregard your lack of frankness, sincerity, loyalty, towards myself; if you were my enemy, or a common citizen. I cannot do it as the appointed Chief. However, I will not go any further in to this. I will hope that the verse (I, 52) which you say you have chosen for your mantra, will ultimately result in purifying your soul, and teach you a sense of moral value which you lack so tragically.
Love is the law, love under will.