Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan




Box 173

West Point, Calif.



Jan. 19, 1960.



Dear Philip:


Thanks for your last letter of Jan. 11. I'll reply at once.


Glad to hear things have eased up, but I hope your wife's ankle will get allright soon!—I fully agree with all you say about these depressing, commercialized "holidays". Thank God, I have had nothing to do with them for years, since I've been living away from crowds.


I did send Yorke [Gerald Yorke] those photos you sent me. He seems now concentrated entirely on his connection with the Hutchinson Group, which includes Rider & Co.. Still, he should have written you. Has he possibly other worries? I never ask him about personal matters.—I will copy out what you say about John St. John and Sword of Song and send it to him. May-be you'll get a reaction then.


I have not written to Weiser [Booksellers]. My main interest was the publication of Liber Aleph which they thought of doing. But since my last to you I'm in touch with Mr. H.N. Roth of the Aries Press about this and expect an answer and definite proposal within a couple of weeks.


I know of this bloke Gilbert Highet, I have reprint of a talk by him on A.C. (derogatory, with not the slightest understanding), and listened a week ago to a radio talk by another fellow who apparently was fed by the same source. You may be right: there is an interest in A.C. at the moment, and it appears that the hostile side senses this and takes the necessary precaution. Things on other planes work like that. Could you send me a copy of "Talent & Geniuses" (paper-back), it's not so easy to get it around here.


No, I don't know the dentist—Dr. Lowenson in Baltimore. Could you refer him, or any other enquirer about A.C. to me?


It is interesting that you should suggest the reprint of The Book of Lies. There are several little books that await reprinting and I was waiting to plan something of the sort to propose to Airies Press after seeing how my present proposal develops. Book of Lies is one, then these is Book 4 part I and II, Little Essays Toward Truth, and some others. Years ago I tried to interest Aries Press, but then nothing came of it. Now, they say, they have a small group and approached me directly. I like the quality of their production, paper, binding, etc. I don't care for Weiser's editions.


The best to you and your wife! Weather here is fine, after 8 inches of snow last week—too little!—the sun has been shining brightly, though this January has been colder than usual so far. We both are in the best of health.






