Correspondence from Philip Kaplan to Edgar Heyl








Dear Mr. Heyl,


Yes, I do have some interesting photos of Aleister Crowley—some 8 x 10 and smaller. They are copies from original photos of which I have the negatives. A blow-up of one particular photo can be made or a group of them showing Crowley in various poses might be more interesting.


Will you kindly then define as to what kind of an exhibit Peabody has in mind. When you say White Magic do you mean Magicians, Houdini etc. or do you mean the cults such as Christian Scientists, Theosophists, Rosy [illegible] etc.


Black Magic is evil according to some people, [illegible], at illness, death, injury etc. Crowley is still read by many people and I would not want to [illegible] anyone by putting Crowley in this category—for I do not believe he belongs in this class. Who do you have listed under White Magic?


I am puzzled—would you kindly give me more details re the exhibit. But—why are you classifying Crowley under Black Magic.


