Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Philip Kaplan
Forthampton Court Gloucester
6 March 60
Dear Kaplan.
I meant to have written you long ago to thank you for the Crowleyana information. So glad you loaned some material to the Peabody Museum. I have not got a copy either of the Surrelist [sic] exhibition catalogue or of Gilbert Highets book and must look out for them. There seems to be a chance of The Aries Press bringing out A.C.'s Liber Aleph, and to help Karl [Karl Germer] I am just about to put the captions into English from the Latin.
I published his translation of Levi's [Eliphas Levi] The Key of the Mysteries. It has sold some 900 copies and goes on quietly and steadily which is satisfactory. Otherwise no other gossip. Am going through a very quiet Crowley period, apart from lunatics who come to consult me and who I see only once.
Gerald Yorke