Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan
West Point, Calif. Box 173
May 7, 1960.
Dear Philip:
Thanks for your nice and interesting letter.
I am awfully sorry about the trouble of your wife. We know how bad a fracture of the ankle can be. My wife had this about five years ago in Hampton. It caused excruciating pain, she had to go to the hospital, but it has healed completely. I trust you will have had better news about her before this.
If you have more information about Castle Books, I would like to hear it. I have never heard the name before.
I wish it were possible for you to visit the West Coast and this region. Our nearest place is Sacramento or Stockton, in either place I'd love to meet you and drive you here where you could be welcome as our guest, you and your wife.
In that case we could exchange views about publishing and I would be glad to give every help and encouragement to your young publisher—in every respect. There are a number of angles. This includes copyrights of which you speak. I hope to hear more from you and am looking forward to it!
Sam Jacobs [Samuel Jacobs]: I always regretted that I knew too little about him and his Middle Eastern background. I always felt there is a great depth in him. I am glad you say he is over his illness. You also mention Mrs. James Branch Cabell and Crowley letters. I think I know only a copy of a letter which A.C. wrote to Cabell, it is about 4 pages in close typescript, I have only a copy and it is doubtful whether written from Cefalu in 1922 or 1923. If Mrs. Cabell has the original and possibly others, or copies of Cabell to A.C.—couldn't we get them or copies? Is she holding them for sale?
With all good wishes, yours