Correspondence from Gabriel Montenegro / Phyllis Seckler to Grady McMurtry





1145 F Street

Fresno, California



November 21, 1960



Dear Grady:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Pursuant to my last letter to you, and to the statements made by me at the meeting held at the Burlingames [Ray and Mildred Burlingame] on the 8th of October, and also at the gathering at TRS hqrs, Mount Solstice, Malibu, Calif., on the 22, and in consideration to the tenor of our correspondence during the last year, it become inevitable at this time that I clarify my position relative to the nature of the activities which you have been trying to get under way.


Specifically, I wish to refer, even if in part, to your letter of the 27th of January of this year, in which you make some fantastic claims and inferences, which when considered either literally, or in the Light of the Teachings of the Brotherhood, do not conform to the most rudimentary due process of the Way of Initiation.


All along, it has been my wish to conform to the principles of fraternity and unity that should characterize every true aspirant to the Mysteries. To that end, I have constantly advocated, by word and in writing, that whatever activity is encourages, it should be done on a brother-sister Level, to satisfy the hunger for fellowship, if it truly exists, and in order to keep the flame of Thelema alive and burning in this area, even if in the hearts of the very few, but being careful not to infringe upon the rights and the jurisdiction of the duly appointed heir and O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order].


Because a copy of this letter will be sent to those concerned, I shall not openly go into details regarding the aforesaid claims and inferences. Suffice it to point out, that in A.C.'s letter to you dates Nov., 21, 1944 e.v., sixteen years ago this very day, and signed under his authority as Baphomet, transcript of which you also included in the subject matter of your letter in question, there is nothing in it that could be construed in any way, then or henceforth, as intention of appointment to you, as his spiritual and temporal heir as you infer. In the first place, that is not the way such things are done. A.C. was merely suggesting that you get busy and strive to make yourself of "Presidential timber," a suggestion which according to his letter, it appears he gave to many. He was opening the Door to you, but it is obvious you failed to see the point. One must be willing to buy the black hen without haggling.


Regarding what you tell me in the same letter about the Secret Chiefs, let me state that this and other matters you bring up are of such delicate nature, that the least said the better. But for your information and for those to whom it may concern, which to point out in that respect, whatever the nature of Their communication with the German Initiates through whom authorization for the Golden Dawn came to England, and which is not too well defined, it is safe to state that in the past Century, there have been only two human beings contacted by Them:


I. Soror Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

II. Frater Perdurabo.


Under such circumstances, I cannot subscribe to the nature of your thinking, nor to the premise upon which you intend to start a movement, because it would amount to an acceptance of your claims and inferences heretofore brought forth.


In severing myself from the radius of your activities, I should like to make it clear that here is a decision reached and based on principle alone. It is definite and irrevocable. It has nothing to do with a personality, and does not change my feelings or appreciation for anyone concerned. I trust the feeling is mutual. I shall always remember the spirit of fraternity on the part of Ray and Mildred Burlingame, shared on many occasions.


My task has been given me. Needless to say, that mystical experience between my soul and my Lord shall continue for ever more. It alone leads to fulfillment. I shall also double my efforts through TRS in what I consider a most important phase of the Work in these latter days, namely: to collect all Thelemic material possible, especially the Holy Books of the Order, together with all the arcane wisdom teachings obtainable and preserve it for posterity regardless of the nature of the catastrophe yet to come. To the accomplishment of this goal, the path has been opened unto me. Besides the very few, whose number can be counted with the fingers of my right hand twice, a capable and sincere co-worker of tried and unquestionable loyalty has been provided me. Yea, my task has been given me. Verily and amen.


May your mind be always open unto the Higher.


Love is the law, love under will.


Gabriel Montenegro Vargas


Fra Zopiron


P.S. "Son—measure thy cloth well nine times— — —thou can cut it but once."


Of my own free will and accord, I agree with Brother Monty fully and have committed myself to serve him and assist him to the best of my ability, particularly in that phase of the Great Work which he aspires to accomplish. After careful study of the context, I ask that his view and conclusions as states above be accepted as a joint statement.


Helen Parsons Smith


Soror Grimaud

23 November 1960



