Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Karl Germer




18862 Casa Blanca

Saratoga, Calif.



March 20, 1961



Dear Karl


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Greetings of the Equinox of Spring.


Thank you for your last letter—it was just what I needed. One sometimes feels terribly alone, even though doing something for the furtherance of Thelema.


Yes, I do have a tremendous task. Much of it has recently materialized in fact, has been going a year. I hardly dare mention if for fear it might fall through. With Jane [Jane Wolfe] death there was no longer anyone to talk to about matters which were common knowledge among us Thelemites or others striving for spiritual growth. So what used to be an outlet got pretty well dammed up. Now there is an outlet again. I am writing a series of letters to Bill [Ward]'s son Bruce, now stationed in Japan with the U.S. Navy. The letters are designed to shake young people out of the current materialistic beliefs. Mostly because Bruce and many others in my immediate family are such victims of materialism.


Of course the letters allow me to express the thoughts, ideas, and modes of behaviors which have existed in me for so long. I hope they will lead many young people to an appreciation of Thelema—for in time I shall see if I can get them published. Meanwhile they are a tremendous work. I already have a small book of them but much would need to be edited.


Well, I don't think I mentioned it at any time in the past but a peculiar vision occurred some years ago which still has me guessing. I spoke to the Angel—while meeting with him—one sentence. "Let me be Thee". Now this, I think is really peculiar. Anyhow, if true, I may be in the process of becoming and so see Him in visions no longer. But, as you say, there is plenty I have not been initiated into and so plenty escapes me.


Yes, at some time I must devote myself to Thelemic work and sometimes I can't understand why not now. Perhaps I am paying a Karmic debt. But I also feel that this absurd teaching of adolescents will end in another year or two. I do have to earn a living at the present and it is for me an easy and rather pleasant way out, but scarcely the Real thing that I want to do.


I still make discoveries, though, and wish I could talk them over with someone. I am reading The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune and find much in there worth discussing. Someday I should also like to ask questions about my own Qabalistic figurings but must needs shelve all that until the right expert comes along.


Love is the law, love under will.






