Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan




West Point, Calif.

Box 173



April 6, 1961.



My dear Philip:


So you are going to Europe, and, what strikes me is Spain. I have never been there, but it has always been a dream to visit it. The closest I came to it was Perpignan (the French Concentration Camps) from where we saw the beautiful skyline of the Pyrenees every day. We were only ten miles from the border. I and my wife wish you a pleasant vacation there!


I fully understand your disposing of the unique Crowley collection. I hope and trust that you did not lose in the transaction. You performed a valuable service. You promised to give me the name of the University to which your dealer wanted to sell it. Please do not forget this.


Your collection was absolutely unique. It so happens that another collection may come on the market due to the death of an Australian bookseller by the name of Robb [Norman Robb]. I wish I had some idea what a complete collection of Crowley's works can fetch to-day. Robb's widow wants to dispose of it as a whole and asked me about the market in U.S.A. She is going to send me the complete list with description.—Incidentally, Yorke [Gerald Yorke], should you see him, is acquainted with Mrs. Robb. He suggested an London auctioneer.—


It may interest you to hear that I have been approached from London for the rights to re-publish The Book of Lies with the Commentary. The man who wrote me after first enquiring from Yorke, is W.H.C. Evans, 16, Westway, Shopsley, Luton, Beds., England. I have not much of an idea what kind of Group is behind Evans. Should you have a chance to see the man I would appreciate your judgment. I would naturally, want a royalty, though I would go out of my way to make it easy.


There is not much news at this end for the time being, we kept hearing about the bad weather in the East while we had been rather blessed and still are.


Once again all good wishes from my wife and myself to you both,




