Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan




West Point, Calif.

Box 173



July 23, 1961.



Dear Philip:


It is always nice to hear from you, and this time doubly so because of the exciting time you must have had in Europe, though you do not mention it, I take it from your silence that your wife's health has been excellent.


I cannot say the same of my wife who has been suffering for the last six months from some strange ailment. Well, she is 71, at which age, as I know myself, there is always something cropping up.


The Book of Lies is making good progress; I expect to get the first draft of the complete text with Commentary next week.


Now here is a piece of real news. I am working on the publication of Crowley's masterpiece, The LIBER ALEPH. I don't know whether you have seen the text. It is probably the most sublime and deepest Book that he has ever written, comparable in value to The Book of Thoth. He tried to get it published during his life time, it was set to print several times—always something very serious happened to block it. The last time it was printed in England in 1947. I have all the galley proofs and even part of the page-proofs—he dies over it and it was never published.


This book should make a sensation. It is being made ready by September, I hope. I have not yet decided on the Title Page—I don't know whether to publish it under THELEMA PUBLISHING Co. and try to be my own distributor, which is not the proper way.


What I would like to do is have a regular Publisher to take the whole edition of 1,000, if he likes under his own name, I supply the books ready printed, he distribute [sic] it against decent conditions. I can supply say, 5,000 blurbs (or how you call it).


Some years ago I discussed it with Weiser, but at that time I could not make a definite commitment. Do you know of an honest Publisher in N.Y. whom I can trust and who is capable of distributing the book all over the world? It will sell in USA, England and all British-speaking countries, but also in all other parts of the world. This Book should also be sent to reviewers in N.Y. and other cities, as well as in England.


My main problem is a good Distributor. The rest I'll do. My tentative price is 6.00.


Please, if you can, give me the benefit of your advice, I shall deeply appreciate it.






