Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Karl Germer
Caixa Postal 15 (Tijuca) Rio de Janeiro Guanabara, Brasil
24 August 1961
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
A possibility and a safeguard that had not yet occurred to me have just occurred to me (incident to a very serious attack, either of nerves, or 'demonic' or otherwise, which gave me a foretaste, I think, of the psychological state of somebody during the 'crossing of the Abyss').
The possibility exists that I may go insane without dying before we are finished with Liber Aleph; and for this reason I wish to insure that work shall continue. Therefore I am sending you a money order, or bank draft or what not, for a thousand dollars, so that in case of an emergency you may deal directly with the printer here, pay the rest of the price of impression (which should not run above five hundred dollars), and arrange for the shipment to you. You should be able to communicate with him in English; anyhow, in case of emergency you will have to make do as you can.
You understand, of course, that this is a measure of precaution, and if I remain sane and alive, I shall have to ask you for the money to pay the printer and handle the shipping and otherwise in a month or so. We shall lose in the exchange rates and so forth, but I think that shall be money well lost.
In case the worst (from my point of view, of course!) happens, and I die or go insane, you shall probably stop hearing from me for more than two weeks or so; to insure the fact, write my father asking him, or my sister, and then contact the printer (I shall write all the necessary addresses here).
I am sending you also the receipts for part payment of the cost of impression (it amounts to more or less four hundred dollars—check it) to guarantee your dealings with the printer.
I don't think you should have troubles with the printer, but if you do, I add the address of my lawyer in Rio, who is reasonably honest as lawyers go, and can handle any suit you may have to press. I shall contact him as to the possibility of your contacting him, in case of my death or insanity.
MY FATHER'S ADDRESS: Samuel Cantarina Motta Rua Maria Amália 681 Rio de Janeiro Guinabara, Brasil
MY SISTER'S ADDRESS: Sra. Elzira Lisanti Rua Silva Guimarães 49 Rio de Janeiro Guinabara, Brasil
Ascertain from them if I am dead or insane, if you don't hear from me during two weeks; but don't deal with them otherwise, for they are not to be trusted.
THE PRINTER'S ADDRESS: Sr. Paulo Mendes Borba Compositora Gráfica Lux Ltda. Rua Frei Caneca 224 Rio de Janeiro Guinabara, Brasil
MY LAWYER'S ADDRESS, IN CASE YOU NEED IT (I DON'T THINK YOU WILL): Dr. Rui Ribeiro Escritório Targino Ribeiro Av. Rio Branco 128, 6° Andar Rio de Janeiro Guinabara, Brasil
I hope that taking these precautions shall make them unnecessary, among other things. . . .
Love is the law, love under will.
P.S. Incidentally: The electrocliché you sent was already being used; I've seen that work of Augustus John in some printed book about A.C.; maybe Symond's [John Symonds] Magic of Aleister Crowley. Can you send me another? Preferably a photograph? Preferably never published? And preferably (last) of when he was writing Liber Aleph, or circa?