Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Karl Germer




Caiza Postal 15, Tijuca

Rio de Janeiro

Guanabara, Brasil



17 December 1961



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I shall speak to you once, and I shall speak to you clearly.


Regardless of what you may think of Marcelo Ramos Motta personally, he is, with the approval of the Secret Chiefs, and of 666 and Aiwass, the Incarnated Beast, the Priest of the Princes, Head of the AA and your Superior. You owe him loyalty and obedience, not to speak of such mundane virtues as courtesy and fair dealing.


When I sent you a thousand dollars, I did so with the understanding that this money would be used for the needs of the printing of Liber Aleph, and that only. You wrote me at the time pledging your faith that the money would be used entirely as per my instructions. I may as well tell you now that my sending you this money was meant at the same time to assure the eventual publication of the book and to put you to a simple test.


Putting aside how much greater and better a Beast, in every sense of the word, Aleister Crowley was, which I would not deny, and am indeed hasty to affirm, Aleister Crowley is dead, and Adjuvo [Marcelo Motta] has ascended to his place and work. The King is dead; God save the King! Is the appropriate attitude of any loyal Thelemite, and any who put their loyalty on the dead King rather than the live one are traitors, and to be dealt with as such—with the approval and seal of 666 Himself!


If you do understand and accept this in your human mind, I warn you to accept it at once and pledge your allegiance, under the penalty—which should be all important to Yourself!—of causing friction inside Thelema, of necessitating the removal—speedy—of this friction, and delay and disease in the Work to which we are both pledged.


I don't know how much in your human mind you are aware of the business and activity of Thelema, but I may as well tell you, right now, that Marcelo Ramos Motta, not you, is the policy-maker; Marcelo Ramos Motta, not you, decides what is proper Thelemic business procedure, and whether one should accept the help of hostile people—thereby giving them a new lease on life, precisely one of your favorite complaints (your letter about the "Roman Hierarchy" and so forth!)—or stay delivered to one's own devices, however poor and modest they may at the time appear to be.


I refer you to LXV, V, 23-25. It is my will and my doing that you suddenly find yourself capable of continuing a work of proclamation of the Law that, up to the moment when I was "energized," so to speak, was, despite all your efforts, helplessly stagnated. It is also I who shall withdraw the reins from your hands at once if you fail in what is proper in such a glaring way even once more; I shall—yes, I, insignificant clump of earth—withdraw all respect and support from you, and leave you to die the death of a traitor as others have.


You are warned, and once warned openly is enough for the wise.


Love is the law, love under will.






