Correspondence from Karl Germer to Marcelo Motta




West Point, Calif.

Box 173


December 23, 1961



Care Frater Adjuvo:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


You blithering, miserable IDIOT! I have seen and had to observe several similar cases of Demonitis (including my own) but yours beats all records in our files. I saw the disease creeping up months ago; it is good that it broke out into the open.


The most charitable interpretation I could put on it is that you prematurely took the oath of the Abyss, without being prepared by previous initiation. If so, there is nothing I can do. You have to be left alone until you either slay the demon once and for all, or be devoured by it.


Love is the law, love under will.




[Karl Germer]


