Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler
West Point, Calif. Box 173
Dec. 26, 1961
Dear Phyllis,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thank you for your letter of Dec. 18 and for the circular of the Mystic Book Club. I had heard of them, but did not know their address.
We were both distressed to hear about your health, and your financial straights. With your income, you should really never have worries to buy eye glasses, or similar necessities. Is it possible you are unduly sacrificing yourself?
Thelema is a whole job. Its guardians watch the few disciples that show promise closely, and may I say 'jealously?—that they do not share Thelema with lower pursuits, or old sweetness. You must, I suppose, have many conflicts—in your professional work, your home, your children, and what not, and, combined with the general state of disruption of the atmosphere—magical and spiritual—in the whole world, it would weigh heavily on you sometimes. Especially now when we may be driving towards a climax in the affairs of the world, and then you in particular fell the opposition of our friend Saturn, as I notice.
Such periods demand from us that we listen intently to the 'Voice' of the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel].
Well, I cannot go deeper into all this, I have to drive to the post office with matters concerning Liber Aleph which are important and want to take this letter with me.
Liber Aleph is printed in Brazil, I have just on Saturday received an advance unbound copy which goes to a possible Distributor. The Publishers are Thelema Publ. Co., West Point, Calif. As soon as I get copies I shall send you one. If you are still in touch with any of the old Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] group of so-called Thelemites, you might distribute the copies of the prospectus which I enclose. I am not in touch with any at this time.
I very much should like to read what you have up to now written. I am the champion slow reader, but if you would send me what you have Registered, I promise to return it Registered within one week. I'm sure close study of Liber Aleph will be of great help to anything you will write.
All the best to you from myself and from Sascha [Sascha Germer] who takes great interest in everything.
Love is the law, love under will.