Correspondence from Karl Germer to Marcelo Motta





West Point, Calif.

Box 173



Jan. 29, 1962.



Dear Marcelo:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of Jan. 21—came Jan. 23. I shall write at once, mainly because you wrote about these two blokes Kempter and Schlag [Oscar Schlag]. It seems to me that you are wanted to get initiated into the Netherworld of enemies, spies, and all that type quickly, at an earlier period of life than I, anyway. Both of your theories are probably correct: Both Kempter and Schlag may be emissaries of the Swiss group—(they say their Oriflamme goes into 50 different countries) I don't know Kempter, but I know Schlag very well, and he knows the Swiss very well but at the same time the occult secret spy net that you mention may be also at the bottom of attacks. (You remember some years ago in Baton Rouge you were bodily attacked by a man without the slightest reason, etc.? I knew that a Jesuit was behind it.) As soon as anyone contact Thelema, and especially if he does actual work for it, he or she gets the kindest attention: not only attacks. What they prefer is to win him over back into their fold, and subtly work against 93, while pretending to be an exponent for it. This was the case of Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones]. This, I am afraid, is the case of the Swiss group.


Yes, I warned you years ago against Schlag. He is a Jew, High Grade Mason,* political trouble maker, psychologist, seems to have plenty of money, travels all over the globe, is in touch with such things as C.I.A., F.B.I. and what not. He has possibly the greatest occult library extant, has every scrap that A.C. ever issued, has things thelemic that I do not have myself. The last time I ever saw him was in New York in a hotel; he boasted that he had the only hand-written copy of The Book of the Law in A.C.'s hand. When challenged he brought it down to the car, and I spotted at once the origin—to his great chagrin. He is often in South America; what he is doing there, I don't know.


I believe I wrote you at the time, that he had contacted to so-called "Thelemites" in Los Angeles, Ray [Ray Burlingame], Mildred [Mildred Burlingame], Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler], etc. They all fell for him. They considered him as an emissary of the White Lodge, as a Secret Chief, especially Jane [Jane Wolfe], whom he saw alone, got from him a very great secret, and that she was chosen! ! The only one who had her wits about her—and I say this to her Credit—was Phyllis. She retired for a moment into her room to listen to her Inner, and instantly kept him at bay during a long drive from L.A. to San Francisco.


Please tell me: in what language did you converse with K.[empter] and S.[chlag].


This is all that I want to say on this subject. You will have to fight the good fight, if any, on your own.


Now your long letter. Your theories on the business world is quite correct. If that is what you want to follow, and make money, much money, why not? "Argue not, convert not". Still, let me say that this is restricted to one plane. Every system that is all-embracing is hierarchic. Put this thought into you pipe and . . .



[the remainder of the letter is missing?]



* hates O.T.O.


