Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Oscar Schlag
Caixa Postal 15, Tijuca Rio de Janeiro Guanabara, Brasil
Mr. Oskar R. Schlag Geissberg 10 Zürich VI Suica
23 February, 1962
Dear Mr. Schlag:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
My brother Karl [Karl Germer] informs me that you have his address, but are afraid of getting in touch. In such a case, I see no harm in telling you that his address is
I suggest you control your fear (which, as you know, is the forerunner of failure) and get in touch.
I have little more to say to you, except maybe to emphasize once more that the A∴A∴ does exist, and has as a matter of fact existed for hundreds of years. The mysterious R. . . C. . . was nothing more than the middle order, corresponding to the Minor Mysteries, or of Osiris, as the S.S. (please not to confuse with the German organization of the same name!—you might! . . . ) corresponds to the Greater Mysteries, or of Ra-Hoor-Khuit (you will find Ra-Hoor-Khuit wrongly spelled Ra-Herakhti by the great majority of authorities. The name means the Sun of the Two Horizons, which should make a man of your scholarship pause and think).
You, in your long association—if that it can be called—with the A∴A∴ have had the attitude of a man who, wishing to enter a house, does not knock at the door, which would readily be opened to him by the owner, but tries to break through a side window in stealth. I invite you to tell yourself what kind of a man that is, and what possibly can his intentions be. Unfortunately, the house in question is quite burglar-proof, as you have found out—or have not, perhaps—in which case, I assure you, you are too far gone, for too long, for this letter to be any help.
As in the case of all true initiatic orders, the A∴A∴ is completely closed to the profane, for the very simple reason that only a sincere and reverent mind can contact the Hierophantic Forces that radiate from it. All others shall be mislead, or find only dross, looking at themselves in the astral mirror.
True initiation exists, and Thelema is above politics. I know you will probably not believe this, which is too bad—for you.
Love is the law, love under will.