Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler




West Point, Calif.

Box 173



March 17, 1962



Dear Phyllis,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of March 11. We are both glad that your health is better, Sascha [Sascha Germer] joins me especially in this wish.—Thanks for the check, April 1 is quite allright.


I am sending you to-day two more copies of Liber Aleph. One is for Bruce. The other was (first) intended for you to send to the Mystic Art Book people, but I have since heard that they are a sinister outfit as far as the work of Thelema is concerned. The books were packed, so use the second copy for some other purpose or keep it.


You sent me that prospectus which shows on the front A.C.'s picture together with the arch-enemy of all things Thelema, the Jesuit Montgomery Summers.—They are also connected to a fraudulent group that wanted to re-publish The Book of Thoth, luckily Frieda Harris refused to hand over her paintings, and did not fall for the swindle. You know possibly the surface of the ocean, but have no notion of the monsters in the Deep.—Anything you may hear of these people, let me know.


Motta [Marcelo Motta]: yes, he lives in Rio de Janeiro and did all the publishing, editing, correcting, printing, and binding of Liber Aleph, including the blurb, etc. He is promising, but has yet to pass the cataracts, the Niagra and many other ordeals.


That passage which seems to have upset you: don't take it too seriously. It certainly has no reference to the Scarlet Woman. Try to understand my situation. Here I have (by order) to live in what you might call 'the outermost places', review from here the many so-called Thelemites that are in California, and have to watch one after the other go to the dregs. It is sometimes a little heartbreaking, if I have a heart to break. This is concerning the little world. In that above the clouds it is different, though nothing seems to happen as to the progress of the Great Work.—That passage was probably also a reaction to your long silence. You are, remember, the only Californian, still attentive to your H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel] and obedient to His voice.


You may be called to do much for Thelema yet, when the time is ripe. You would be ideally fitted for work for which I am lamentably ill equipped. But what will you? We all have first to so fulfill and put in order the mundane things, before we are permitted release, to do higher things.


Love is the law, love under will.






