Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan




Karl Germer

Box 173

West Point, Calif.



March 22, 1962.



Dear Philip:


No news, I hope is good news!


I am happy to be able to send you by separate Book post a copy of




of which I have just received a parcel. I also enclose a copy of the Prospectus herewith.


There seem to have been great magical obstacles to overcome in the production of this book: Crowley had them several times, and, you can believe me, we have had them here and in Rio.


Samuel Weiser have taken the distribution of the book. They only have so far one sample copy which I sent them. They can hardly begin to distribute before some more weeks. It takes such a long time for shipments to travel from the Southern hemisphere. Tell me occasionally if you like the book.—A prospectus nowadays seems to require an elaborate make-up. Our simple prospectus were not to Weiser's liking. They prefer one in two or three colours. I told them I'd contribute up to $100 if they'd have some printed there.—


Any news your end? Have those Phoenix Book Shop people be [sic] able to place your collection? If so, who bought it.


With my very best Greetings for the Equinox and wishes to yourself and your wife,






