Correspondence from Karl Germer to Marcelo Motta





West Point, Calif.

Box 173



April 2, 1962.



Dear Marcelo:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of March 22. Thanks, also for the prompt transfer of the $100 which came on the 31st of March. Let me first mention a few things that are on my mind.


The young man who has taken upon himself the issue of The Book of Lies, is experiencing some of the strange obstacles with printers etc. etc. Would you mind collecting your thoughts on an Introduction for this re-issue? I can tell you that I have had flattering comments on your blurb, and the prospectus from England. You have the flair for this work, and I'm sure you could produce something good for The Book of Lies. There is no immediate hurry but the whole MS. is now in the hands of a printer in England for an Estimate and I would like to be ready.


When applying for Copyright, they sent me a questionnaire, among the questions" where copies of the book printed in Brazil actually placed on sale, sold, or publicly distributed on Feb, 23, 1962? (2) Where any copies sold or distributed in Brazil or any other foreign countries before that sate? I answered: No. This only for you cognizance. There is always some red tape. And I can only get a temporary, 5 year, Copyright, as full copyright demands that a book must be produced entirely in the U.S.A.


Clymer's [R. Swinburne Clymer] Book: Keep it as your property. I have a bound copy. As you are interested in O.T.O., and Orders generally, Clymer's book contains much valuable information for reference.


The design in red inside Frieda's [Frieda Harris], is actually A.C.'s private sigil. You find it in The Heart of the Master, and Little Essays [Little Essays Toward Truth]. You cannot very well use 666' seal as if it were yours!


Cammell's [Charles Cammell] Book: I'm sure the M.A.S. have no new edition. It is just the British edition which did not sell too much, I think. And they may like the idea that Cammell burnt his Book of the Law. I'll send you a copy next chance.


I have made ready the parcel with The Equinox. It weighs 25 lbs, it had been sealed so that I can send it Registered. Now that I have the necessary cash, I'll try to mail it with this post.


Par—2 on your page 2: Are we so far apart? No: nothing can prevail against RHK [Ra-Hoor-Khuit] and/or Thelema. But we are little peoples who try to learn how best we can be useful to Their scheme of things. That involves to learn the ways of the lower world, for, if we don't learn and master it, we'd fall into the blindest traps and plots. A.C. guided me in secret ways to prevent my making too clumsy mistakes. My way is different, I go into detail. But I think you are wise, and alert enough and can fend for yourself—soon.


Sorry I don't have Hesse's Demian; have no chance to contact a Lending Library. Will ask Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] to get it for me.


Incidentally: The Swiss man—after a full year—signed his recent letter "The child". I'm not going to answer, if I would, I would address him "Dear child No. 17—1/2". If somebody takes the Oath of the Abyss, and (actually) becomes a child of the Abyss he is left to himself entirely, no one is to speak or write to him, which ban is lifted after he has given proof that he passed the insanity phase. The letter he wrote me is half-crazy.


So don't be tempted to contact them.


Love is the law, love under will.







Have 300 Liber Aleph actually left? When? In what lots? Weiser asked for more prospectuses, so, please mail them all you have left. You might address


Mr. Donald Weiser

Samuel Weiser, Inc.

845 Broadway

New York 3, N.Y.


P.S.     April 14, 1962.


I had one more letter from the Swiss fellow (to which I shall not reply).


But he says something about you.

(1) that you accuse them of being in touch with Schlag.

(2) that you sign yourself as "The Priest of the Princes".


Did you by any chance write to them again at all? They must think I inspired you, which I would not like at all. They say the Choronzon was behind this, and I don't blame them.


Once more: I do not write them, as long as they are crazy themselves.




