Correspondence from Karl Germer to Marcelo Motta
West Point, Calif.
April 20, 1962
Care Frater Adjuvo:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your several contradictory letters concerning the O.T.O. I now see that you have seriously decided that it is imperative that a Lodge should be instituted in Brasil, and I agree with you that much could come out of this.
I am prepared to give you a Charter for a Lodge to work only the first three Degrees. I gave you many of the Rituals at one time or another. Please state exactly which Rituals you have copies of. Are they complete?
The important thing is that you yourself have a full understanding of the meaning and purport of these Rituals. They must not be read to the candidate in a slipshod way, they should be imparted in a concentrated, ceremonial, dramatic manner, so that the candidate feels an awe and will be under its magick. Much of what I saw in Los Angeles was disgusting. I must say for Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] that, if he was in the right mood, he was almost—so I have heard—inspired.
I do not agree that you should remain outside, apart from this Work; and then pass promising candidates on to me. If we get that far, I shall give you the following rituals, for you to continue. But you are to figure as the Grand Master of the Lodge.
(You can work The Order of Thelemites separately at the same time. But it seems that is too early yet.)
One important point is to state in the beginning that the Lodge you start under my Charter in Brasil is based on the acceptance of the Law of Thelema. And don't mix up 666 with [illegible]. The Head of O.T.O. is Baphomet. Also, the Ecclesia Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae is an O.T.O. document. (See Blue EQX. [Equinox Vol. III, No. 1].)
Candidates, in my opinion, ought to be encouraged to study and get deeply acquainted with the thelemic work and literature. But O.T.O. work is, so far as I see, training towards mastery of the ultimate of its secrets.
Write me soon about these points raised, and if we are clear, I will send you a Charter, and whatever documents you need, such as the first Rituals.
Love is the law, love under will.
[elevenfold cross] Karl Germer, IX°