Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Karl Germer




Marcelo Ramos Motta

Caixa Postal 15, Tijuca

Rio de Janeiro

Guanahara, Brasil



30 May, 1962



Care Frater:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Today arrived the books you last sent me, The Sacred Magick, The Winged Beetle and Cammell's [Charles Richard Cammell] biography. In the behalf of myself and my country, I wish to thank you for the Sacred Magic. I have already started translating LXV. If you with to regain your Winged Beetle, you have only to tell me, and I will forward you the book, carefully packed.


I wish to re-phrase my last letter to you, once the hose of personal feelings is over: under no circumstances would I ever start an "O.T.O. movement" in Brazil without your permission. If by any chance O.T.O. documents come to my hands, I will inform you at once, and will hope to hear form you on the subject. If you request them, I will forward them to you. If you tell me to keep them, but not to start anything, I will most surely comply. If you tell me to start a movement, I will start it not in my name, but in yours.


The Order of Thelema is another matter. I claim jurisdiction over it, complete, by right of appointment.


The Manifest of the O.T.O. in my book never stated, nor does it now, that I, personally, intended to start an O.T.O. movement. I have never claimed to represent the O.T.O. at any time. However, my jurisdiction extends over the use of Thelemic material—or rather, its mis-use by fools. It was on these grounds that I wrote to the Swiss. I never claimed to be their superior. I earnestly wish you would write and request a photocopy of my letter to them, so you can see for yourself. I did, in my letter to them, demand that they stop misquoting AL and renew contact with their rightful superior—but I meant you.


I am not writing this letter with second intentions. I have been so deeply hurt by all this O.T.O. entanglement that I wish to have nothing to do with the order. Your lack of trust has wounded me more than I can possibly say, and was the cause of my violent letters to you. My knowledge of the circumstances may be at fault; on such as case, and in a case only. I would say that my attitude was uncalled for. But I doubt it. Only time will tell.


You have, all this time, been expecting or demanding that I behave towards you the way you behaved toward A.C. That, if you would only think, is absurd, unfair and un-Thelemic. "One law for the lion and the ox is oppression." You are not A.C., I am not you, and our relationship and circumstances are never and could never be the same. Until the Abyss—if that day ever came—I am I. After, I Am That Am [handwritten by Motta: "the means, he hopes!]. Meanwhile, I am doing my best at a rough tough job; my best may not be up to your standards, but it is the best I can do.


I beg of you to keep in touch, not for my sake, but for the sake of the Work to which I, at least, am pledged, and which must be above any personal differences between M.T. [Magister Templi] and an Adept.


About two weeks ago, since you were not, obviously, going to write to Mrs. R. again, I wrote her myself. She answered about that subject I will rather not mention in a letter when it is not necessary. She said she had delayed answering your letter because she has been expecting every day an answer from the S. librarian, but it hasn't arrived yet. She said she was in no hurry, and that she would let me know about the decision.


I am telling you this so you can, if you will, write her and tell her not to consider me as a prospect, and indicate somebody else more to your liking.


I cannot think of any other way in which I may try to prove to you that this letter is not an attempt to fool you, beguile you, or trap you.


Incidentally, I offered her the original price she had asked, and offered her a contract and all possible guarantees.


Love is the law, love under will.






P.S. I called myself an Adept—or rather, Adjuvo. My estimate of the situation is, Adjuvo is, if all planes are considered, merely a Neophyte, and could not be more. But on a certain plane, there is Adjuvo 6º=5o who is a Major Adept performing the administrative task of a Major Adept: that is, trying, working absolutely alone, to keep discipline among the people all on their separate planes, and to transmit clearly the utterance of his immediate superior, O.M. 7º=4o. As for my "beasthood", that has to do only with the Order of Thelema and matters of Thelemic import; such as I already said, the profanation or distortion of AA publications in Class A—and more specifically, AL and the spreading of the Law. Whatever confusion I may have experienced and am still experiencing in this account must be put down to the schematic nature of the arrangement of my vehicles, and only time will take care of that if it will. I do not underestimate for one moment the dangers and risks inherent in my position; but I am, as I said before, trying to do my job the best I can, and there was nobody else doing it, and besides—I have been appointed, since the Solstice of Summer 1960, to do precisely this. That if you remember, was a time of my Initiation when I claimed the Grade of Neophyte, and was very puzzled that you did not know that I had been appointed the Beast. The reason was probably that the whole thing is on a plane below the Abyss, where you are not aware of what is going on—and, as far as I can sense from the nature of your Will, you don't particularly care.


As for Marcelo Ramos Motta, he is the ape of Thoth—not even the Ape; and he tries to keep it in mind as best he can, which he will humbly admit isn't saying much. But then, you haven't been exactly helpful yourself, have you?


As for the O.T.O. being sane, at least for the moment, I will say that never in my sane moments did I think that I could do a better job than you. I don't have what it takes.




