Correspondence from Karl Germer to Marcelo Motta




West Point, Cal


June 9, 1962



Care Frater Adjuvo:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


If one tried to go into refuting or arguing your recent letters one would run the risk of getting contaminated by the demonic forces that have got a hold of you. What I will do is give you the benefit of my experience. It has been my privilege or misfortune to have to watch at least a score of "experts of delusion" in the last more than thirty-five years of my connection with Thelema!


What you claim—the title or grade of BEAST—is only minor, i.e. a repeat of another title. (Yet Crowley assumed the grade only 15 years after he had become M.T. [Magister Templi], while you are at best a Neophyte!)


Others are, or have been, infinitely more ambitious. One was an Ipsissimus (long before 666 himself took the grade) claiming such high initiation that he had received the oracle of the Aeon following Thelema, so that he disposed R.H.K. [Ra Hoor Khuit] and made Him obsolete. There have been and still are several Babalons, one of them is mother of the "child to become mightier than . . . etc.". Several are "the child". I have suggested to them to form or enter "Babalon clubs" or "Child Clubs". One was Ta Hoor Khuit Himself. One lived with a grey cat and had passed beyond Chokmah the way beyond. Then there was the obsession in California by the prophetic vv. At the end of LXV, iv. One implored 666 (the First) to take him along on that trek. Some actually prepared that "journey after into a land of pestilence and evil"—after A.C.'s death. Needless to say what happened to them.


To add to the Ipsissimus Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones], he became a good honest Roman Catholic, went back to Jesus and Mary; once, when I laughed and refused to acknowledge his authority, he laid upon me the curse of AL, II, 60. It bothered me a little, true. He died soon after.


I could quote more, but enough of this! You can take this warning or leave it.


What I want to hear form you is about LIBER ALEPH. Have you dispatched 50 copies of the book to me, in parcels of 5 each, for which I asked after sending Weiser the books I had here?


Also: are you making preparations to get the 300 copies on the way to Weiser? After your long evil-inspired letter to them, I have not written them. I wanted to lay a plan before Donald Weiser to solve this matter. Instead of hearing simple facts, you bombard me with reams and reams of extraneous things. Remember: magically you have taken upon yourself to get Aleph distributed. If you should fail in this, I hate to think what would happen to you.


Love is the law, love under will.






