Correspondence from Karl Germer to Marcelo Motta
[12 October 1962]
Dear Marcelo,
You were right. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks and instead of a simple operation, the prostate gland had to be taken out because a tumor was discovered. I am now very weak, have to remain in bed for 3 or 4 weeks and have great pain.
If you would look at my horoscope you would find the most extraordinary aspects on my Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus, which will not pass before February or March.
The second letter which you had written has given me more pleasure than any in the last years. It is clear that you are guided by the Supreme Hierophant and if you follow him loyally and persistently to the Appointed Goal, he will lead you provided some of the illuminations given you do not influence your ego again, as did your beast.
Good luck to you! I want to write infinitely more but space forbids. . . As to your question re writing or taking a job, at this moment I cannot go into that.
Remember the passage in Liber 418 [The Vision and the Voice], about the Bee and the Ox. The M.T. [Magister Templi] can, and often has to take the lowest jobs or serve rascally master for the time. Keep in mind NU ‘Let there be no difference made’ . . . ! The same applies to writing.