Correspondence from Sascha Germer to Marcelo Motta





West Point



Oct 30th. 62



To Marcello Motta,


Our beloved Master [Karl Germer] is dead.


He succumb [sic] Oct. 25, 8:55 P.M. under horrifying circumstances.


You are the Follower. Please take it from me, as he died in my arms and it was his last wish! Who the Heir of the Library is, I do not know up to now.


My cable to you was a cry for help to save the Work and the Library and I hoped that you understood as he left everything open.


After what happened during his Hospital stay I am scared to death that some thing will happen the same way to destroy his lifes work.


What I suggest is: Try to get a Visa and fly to San Francisco, from there a short flight to Stockton or Sacramento depends what plane you get. From Stockton or Sacramento is every day a bus connection to Jackson. In Jackson call Taxi 51 and ask for Irene. She will take you to the house, 22 miles, as she drove me several times during our Masters Sickness.


If you can do that I would open with you all Secret Papers and try to find his will.


If this is not your intention or you can't make it, I do not know how sorry I am able to safe the Library and all important Papers and Religion that belong to the [illegible] for the Mass, etc.


The outlook is more than Black, for the work and I am in Despair. Don't cable me, as I got yours after 4 days sitting around at the Post Office where I had today the chance to go.


You can write if you wish. If you can arrange to fly over even for a few days it could save the Library. I am afraid that when some thing should happen to me as it happened to him Thelema is in the Greatest Peril. LIBER ALEPH is very [illegible] Many interesting sides and the Doctor of Philosophy from the [illegible] wrote that he taken the Work of Aleister Crowley as his dissertation.


I informed mister Weiser what has happened.


I am anxious to put all the Books out from the Library and put them into large boxes, [illegible] so that not everyone could put his fingers into it. But first I have to find his Will.


Your presence here would not change anything in my attitude towards you so there is no danger that you would be [illegible] by me personally.


I only cry out for your help for the Library. The Great Work and our Masters last wishes to safe everything and continue the Work for which he gave his Precious Life and his last Drop of Blood!


Mrs. Karl Germer


P.S. What ever you decide work fast, every day is precious. On Oct 30th he will be cremated at Sacramento where I will be the only witness when his earthly remainings will be put to ashes.


