Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Sascha Germer
Caiza Postal 15-09 Rio de Janeiro Guanabara, Brasil
8 November 1962
Care Mrs. Germer:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am very sorry I did not answer the telegram more quickly; I answered it the very day I got it, for I usually do not go see my p.o. box every day. It took some time for me to convince myself that Karl [Karl Germer] had really "died". If he did, it means that I was right about some things, and he was wrong; also, that he was rights about others, for he offered one year ago to send the library to Brazil, and I refused, saying he would live a long time yet. . .
The first thing that is necessary is for you to rise above this osirian grief which pervades your letter to me. Karl is not "dead"; the King does not die! He is more alive now, and more powerful, than he was before. If you will calm yourself, become serene and pure, as the high initiate you are, you'll feel his Presence advising you and protecting you, as I feel it myself. Consider the horrifying circumstances of a bodily death such as his always from the spiritual point of view. Remember the parable of Golgotha. The last drop of his blood? Read LXV, Chapter IV, v. 60. That blood is the wine of Iacchus.
I unfortunately do not have the means, at this moment, to travel to the U.S., as much as your appeal for help moved me. I will only have money in February of 1963, unless something very unexpected happens. If such an unexpected thing happens, I will fly there, since it will probably mean that the Gods want me to. Otherwise, all I can do is offer you, for the time being, some advice from a distance, advice that you of course will follow or not, as you will.
First of all, until, and if, a will is discovered, I understand that, by California state law, you are the sole owner of all your husband's property, and nobody has a right to come monkeying around. If necessary, appeal to the law; the demons use the law; why shouldn't we? A woman alone and with the right on her side still is queen in the United States. Take advantage of this.
Do not, until you are sure of Karl's intentions, allow anybody at all except the friend to whom I also sent a letter enter your property unless it is on state official business, such as a postman, an officer of the law, or your lawyer. Above all, do not accept visits or sympathies from strangers or any of the so-called Thelemites who accepted Oskar Schlag as an initiate! Oskar Schlag is nothing but the shell of an Abramelin demon, and those people made a pact with him by acknowledging him, and are now his slaves and kind of periscopes. They are, willy-nilly, spies and traitors. Do not let them in, under any circumstances, for their aura is poisonous. Beware of accepting even the most innocent offer from them. If they try to argue with you, do not argue with them. They have no right to ask you for satisfactions or anything. Read the chapter in Abramelin, about how the magician must deal with the demons. Just tell them, politely but firmly, to mind their own business. They will try to make you lose your temper. Beware of this. Keep always a calm and dignified bearing, for one of the fictions they will try to circulate, behind your back, is that you lost your reason. If they become too obnoxious, complain to the law of your county and ask for police protection. That will check the vultures.
I do not know what were Karl's last instructions. You, and only you, know them. If he said you were not to open the sealed documents without my being present, then, the only thing I can suggest is that you take those documents and put them in a safe deposit box in some bank. There is no safer place for anything in the U.S. You can also, if you wish, give them to the friend I mentioned before, and let that friend put them in a safe deposit box under its name; this in case there is a federal court order of search. But I doubt it would get to that. However . . .
In February I will visit you and we can open them together. I suggest you put in such a safe place, definitely, the manuscript of AL and the other things which you know the enemy should like to have, like A.C.'s insignia of office. And let the friend keep an extra key, or make a will, leaving those things to somebody you can trust—me, if you trust me, and that was Karl's intention.
I have no idea of [illegible] intentions were. Your letter to me is not very coherent. This is not the right time to cry! This is a time to fight! Girt your self with the sword. This thing you write about me being the 'Follower'. What exactly did you mean by this? What were his exact words, if you remember them? Was his intention to appoint me as anything? Did he say that I should have a [illegible] to do O.T.O. work in this country? If he did not, I simply cannot. I depend entirely on you to interpret his last wishes. You, and only you were there.
If this 'follower' thing is what it seems to be, don't speak about it to anybody, unless it were the people whom he specially trusted; you would know of any such, I suppose. I don't want such a thing to come out. I am not prepared. I am not anything. It will be many years yet before I am ready to do anything. I have much work to do on myself yet, and you know that better than anybody! . . . Unless, of course, it was part of his last instructions to you that such a thing should be stated openly. Then, yes, by all means, state it.
The edition of Liber Aleph, of course, belongs to you now. Deal with Weiser accordingly. I shall act as your agent, as I acted as Karl's. There are still about six hundred copies, safely kept, and whenever it become necessary to send more copies to the U.S. or elsewhere you have only to notify me.
If—and only if—Karl expressed some intention of letting me do O.T.O. work in this country, I would consider it a great kindness if you should make a package and mail to me all manuscripts about the O.T.O. of which you have more than one copy. I shall copy them, and return them to you.
I think, even if Karl made me his literary executor, which of course we do not know yet, it will be better if all the manuscripts and other things stay with you. I would advise you, however, to make a will at once, disposing of all such things in case of your death or disability, and register the will, and leave a copy with our common friend who, I hope will soon receive my letter. I am not mentioning the friend's name because of the possibility that our mail may be monitored.
In short, let me remind you that a woman alone, with the right on her side, has full protection from the law in the U.S. If need be, recur to the law. Agencies such as the F.B.I. and the C.I.A., are of course, are to fear. But the C.I.A. has no jurisdiction in the territorial U.S., and the F.B.I. can act only according to federal and state laws. If you shield yourself with the law—and the State of California is specially independent, very much republican, and sympathetic to women—you will, specially if you put away the more secret and valuable things.
Now, my last word to you is, fear not. The demons are trying to scare you, and are succeeding because of your present immersion in the planes of illusion. Rise above such childishness! Demons have no power over you except that you grant them. If you know LXV by heart, recite it every night, one chapter, before going to bed. Perform the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram—A.C.'s improved version—you have a right to, don't you? Invoke the protection of SATURNUS [Karl Germer] and THERION [Aleister Crowley], and above all of HERU-RA-HA; and in such a case, I assure you that there is nothing they can so to touch you. "Though you pass through the valley of death . . ." You must know the Psalms.
I shall wait for an answer form you. Calm yourself. You are a loving woman, a faithful one, which are great things. And your husband once told me that you are a high initiate. Prove it now—for his sake, certainly not for mine, and for the sake of the Work, which goes on.
Before I forget: take on the reins on the BOOK OF LIES and, later the TAO TEH KING translation. If you need help of an editorial kind, do not hesitate to call on me. You must have the address of the young man who is doing that, and you better than anybody must know what were Karl's intentions on the subject. Carry on. A good wife is her husband's minister. The last thing He would want would be that the work be stopped because of such an insignificant thing as the dissolution of His physical vehicle.
Love is the law, love under will.
P.S. If you need money because of expenses with funeral, hospital bills, etc., I shall be able to dispose of about three hundred dollars in January. I mean, February. Until then, I'm short, unless something unexpected happens. Remember that you should get at least a thousand dollars, though slowly, from the sales of Liber Aleph. I don't know the terms with Weiser, but it should be at least that. So don't worry. You have friends. Now look to your enemies!