Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Phyllis Seckler
[13 January 1963]
In the first place, if you were as high an Initiate as you think you are, it would be quite unnecessary to send me letters and things by mail; you could send via a demon.
If you were as true a Thelemite as you think yourself, you would try to encourage me—not give off with owlish-wisdom.
But what I can't understand is how all you people can be so blinded by your Egoes [sic], when the curriculum of the A∴A∴ is at your disposal and perfectly explicit! You think yourself, no doubt, at least a Minor Adept. Well, have you conquered Asana as A.C. described it, at least twenty times over in several different books? And have you done the practices in Liber H.H.H. to the perfection—even in a lower plane, as He says clearly—demanded even of a full Zelator? Have you reached the Grade of Practicus, with the necessary symptoms. and Oh great Philosophus, how do you measure your devotion the Great Order to which you aspire? In plain words: What have you done for the A∴A∴?