Correspondence from Roger C. Staples to Philip Kaplan




3217 Pittsview Road

Ann Arbor, Michigan



January 15th, 1963



Dear Mr. Kaplan,


I have just sent off a long letter to Mr. Lew David Feldman about locating MSS copies of Crowleyana, and I thought I would drop you a short note to ask if anything concerning that collection has come your way. I have been long getting around to this, since I have been busy teaching and writing.


Work at the University keeps me busy, but I hope to finish my dissertation by the end of the summer. It was supposed to be done last summer, but textual difficulties held me up. I plan a visit, under my own funds, to London and Gloucester this summer.


Mr. Yorke [Gerald Yorke] didn't have time to stop to see me but I expect to see him this summer when my wife and I visit him—he has invited us to come down and look at his collection.


Wish me luck with Feldman, and drop a letter when you have time. I have not been to New York, else I should have called you.


Yours truly,


Roger C. Staples


NB: I cannot find Garrit Lansing.


