Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Sascha Germer
Caiza Postal 15-09 Rio de Janeiro Guanabara, Brasil
25 January 1963
Dear Mrs. Germer:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am surprised, though not much, that I have not yet received a letter from you. The fact that your only letter, written in the heat of your grief, came without Thelemic greetings, is very indicative. Also the fact that you seemed to hinge the "salvation of Thelema" on your personal survival, and it's possible "ruin" upon the death of your husband.
Let me assure you that the survival of Thelema does not depend on the continued material existence of any one individual, or any manuscripts; and that a Hand greater than your or mine directs in the background this whole shadow-play.
You wrote to me in your letter that I am the "Follower", and upon my asking you for details, you failed to provide such. In any case, it is probably that you misunderstood your husband's last words to you; specially since, as we both know, you carry a grievance against me that has been heightened in your mind by the demonic attacks to which, as wife of Karl Germer, you had to be subjected.
Our common friend wrote to me a letter on Jan. 6 which reached me because of a certain device we used, in five days; while her other letters have not yet arrived. Which can only mean, of course, that my correspondence is being waylaid along the way, either at this end, or that, or both.
Also, I noticed, from the general attitude evinced in her letter, that she is under attack, as I warned you both that you would be.
Let me tell you, candidly, what I did not tell her, because she was sue to have misunderstood: I am the appointed Head of Thelema upon Karl's death; and the spiritual sanity, and therefore, the survival in the Order, of any Thelemite, no matter how mystically advanced or "illuminated", depends on his (or hers) accepting me and acknowledging me as such. That Hand I mentioned has placed me, unworthy as I may seem in your eyes, upon this hieratio throne; it is that Hand that sustains me and guides me, and without it I am sure to fail, for without it I am much less deserving than any of you—I readily confess.
As far as I can see (which isn't very far! . . . . .), I am not the "Follower" in the sense of the prophecy in AL. I am merely the "Baphomet", the—hieratic—"Priest of the Princes" under 666.
If you, or anybody else, asks: "Why did somebody with so many faults, manifestly inferior to me, or to A, or B, or C, or D, get 'promoted' over our heads?" . . . .
A very good and useful question; and I shall answer that, as far as my weak understanding may fathom, I got 'promoted' over your heads because I evinced more faith in AL, in Thelema, and above all in Heru-Ra-Ha than any of you seem to have done up to now! And I hope that this shall be a lesson to all of you!
GOD has set me where I am; in the name of God I speak to you; and blessing and worship to the prophet of the lovely Star is what I demand from you.
I had hoped—"I" had hoped, poor fool!—that such a move would not be necessary. There are many foolish children who shall think I am "sitting pretty", or rather, trying to!—and who will not reflect that lightening strikes only high places, while valleys—and the sheep who there dwell—go peacefully upon their way of providing mutton for the Feast.
I had hoped, I repeat, that it would not be necessary for me to make this announcement for many years yet; that I would be allowed to consolidate my material life, to initiate more thoroughly my lower vehicles, in short to live in relative anonimity for some time, and enjoy some peace.
But I can see that is impossible. You are, all of you, so very much lacking in faith; so very lacking in true religious feeling; so very much lacking in proper devotion to HIM WHOSE MOUTH EVER FLAMES; so ready to hanker after strange gods and false idols that I am forced to give you a material object of worship, a focus for your obedience—and it may well be that He punishes your lack of love under will by making me the said object!
If you cannot, or will not, then hear the VOICE of the LORD, hear mine! And observe what happens to those who do not heed it, for success is my proof.
[I am the Head of Thelema; I am the Source of Thelemic Policy; I am the Judge and the Reconciler set over you; I am the Vicar of the Christ; I hold the Keys of the KINGDOM, and none shall be admitted and any may be cast out from it by my FIAT; thus did He say, and so shall it be done.
AL I, 32 AL II, 53, 778; AL III, 42-46. LXV V 23-26 LXI, 1-4; 29-32
Yea any of you who thinks he may challenge, or should challenge, or that it is his will to challenge, the above statement, strike upon my shield! Yea, let him strike upon my shield with his spear!
I ask you, Mrs. Germer, to communicate the above bracketed statement to all Thelemites of your acquaintance, without exception; at the same time warning them of that, should they wish to communicate with me, my P.O. box is being monitored, and very likely their letters will be opened and read, and they themselves in the future be liable to the kind of persecution and attack with which you already are familiar.
It is, however, necessary that all know, at once, that there is Thelemic leadership upon this plane. The number of victims of the Qliphoth is already large enough without unnecessarily our increasing it.
I am still waiting for your instructions re Liber Aleph. Please warn the heir that he (or she) shall have to finance the removal of the books from here, for I am very short—in case he (or she) wishes to remove them.
Do you still wish or need me to visit the States in February? If so, let me know at once, so I can plan accordingly.
Love is the law, love under will,
Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler]:
This is for Mrs. Germer; her box is watched, so I ask you to deliver it to her personally; but to read it first, since it concerns you, also, and all Thelemites.