Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Sascha Germer






[15 February 1963]



Karl [Karl Germer] is dead and I’m alive; this is enough to make me a million times better man than he!


Though I call myself a Zelator, for good reasons, I ‘have a star in my forehead’; ‘I, who talk to you, am great’. Prate no more to me of masters! [ . . . ] Being only a Zelator, I do not dispose of magickal powers to make money, or to counteract the hostile currents; I have but to be patient and wait, and let the Chiefs intervene, if They think it is necessary. [ . . . ]  I have been in the possession of the Secret of the IX° for several years now; but until I reach the Grade of Minor Adept—either in this incarnation or another—I shall not be able to do it. Unless Adonai build the house, they labor in vain that build it.



[273], [338]