Correspondence from Majorie Cameron to Sascha Germer





May 23, 1953



Dear Mrs. Germer,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have returned from Mexico to find your letter acknowledging my change of address.


I wish to discuss with you a hope most dear to me, that of bringing my husbands' [Jack Parsons] ashes to some appointed place where they may be with those most beloved to himself and to me.


I was told by Karl [Karl Germer] and by Jane [Jane Wolfe] that the ashes of Aleister Crowley were in Karl's possession and had been brought to California at the time of your move. I assume that my dear Jane's ashes are also with you. And what of Karl?


Do you own land in West Point?


It is my intention to remain in Pasadena for a time. Perhaps some plan may unfold that will unite our dreams.


My address will continue to be the same until I notify you of another.


Love is the law, love under will.


Candida Parsons


