Correspondence from Lloyds Bank Limited to Mrs. M.S. Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller]
Lloyds Bank Limited Executor & Trustee Department 16 St. James's Street, London, S.W.1.
Mrs. M. S. Fuller. c/o Calverley Hotel, Crescent Road, TUNBRIDGE WELLS.
23rd March 1966
Dear Mrs. Fuller,
It was very nice meeting you again on Monday and I would like, if I may, to take the opportunity of thanking you for your kind hospitality and help.
I am to-day writing to the Paymaster General in connection with the pension and I will let you know the outcome in due course. Perhaps however, when you are able to find your marriage certificate, you would kindly forward it to me. I will also ask our Income Tax Department to arrange to do your tax return and no doubt they will be communicating with you direct.
On my return to the office on Monday afternoon there was a card waiting for me from Mr. Keith Hogg who is a New and Antiquarian Bookseller. Mr. Hogg informed me that last year Major General Fuller instructed him to sell his collection of books and manuscripts by and about Aleister Crowley. The sale apparently negotiated earlier this year to the University of Texas and the net proceeds due to the Estate amount to £1,487:10/- and this will be forwarded to us in due course. There are still a number of books as yet unsold, which are duplicates of the Crowley collection and apparently Major General Fuller agreed that these should be sold separately and Mr. Hogg has asked whether he may arrange to dispose of these books and account to us for the proceeds. Before I write to Mr. Hogg, I would however, be grateful if you could kindly let me know whether you are in agreement with instructions being given to Mr. Hogg that he should now arrange for the sale of the duplicates from the Crowley collection.
There is no particular hurry for the sale of the car but I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to keep me informed of developments.
Yours sincerely,
(N. C. F. Bryant) Trust Officer.