Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Grady McMurtry






7674 Jasmine Court

Dublin, Calif. 94566



April 6, 1967



Dear Grady,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your newsletter for Dec. 1966 was gratefully received at that time and many times I have thought I would write you some answer. That I have not written before this is either due to despair, laziness or some modicum of respect for Sascha [Sascha Germer]. Probably due to all three factors.


After Karl's [Karl Germer] death I was able to assist Sascha for a few weeks and then after that there has been complete silence. It's a long story and I must tell it sometime but not today.


However, as you know I like to be frank—(between brethren)—and Karl seemed to think you had "sold out"—to whom I do not know. The fact that Sascha was even worse set in this belief has rather stayed my hand for some time. Of course I would like to know whether you think this way or not.


I seem very isolated from other Thelemic brethren at the present and this is not good. Those in Los Angeles whom I used to know do not appeal to me and so I would like to ask with this letter if you know of anything stirring in a Thelemic way in this sad world of ours.


In your newsletter about Kerista there wasn't much mention of Thelema—or at least I didn't spot it. Is your colony in British Honduras going to be Thelemic or is it going to be your own baby almost entirely? Now that is a difficult question, I admit, but I would certainly like some of your views on the matter.


As for me, I still teach at Livermore High but can retire in 5 more years with a very small sum if I am careful. I want to write, especially a book about Jane's [Jane Wolfe] life, as I promised her before she died. I am buying a house at the present and also taking full care of my granddaughter, now 2 1/2 years old. Otherwise I paint a lot and sell some of my paintings so that department of my life has improved. Also, I have had the great good fortune to begin some classes in beginning astrology and the kabbalah to some very bright young people.


I must admit that with the aid of LSD and other such drugs America does not seem to be entirely a spiritual desert as before. Some of the young people I meet actually understand what an expansion of consciousness means because they have been through it. Have you made similar observations? Well, I hope you will answer this letter and end some of my isolation? Since I possess the IX° secret do you know if there is any chance of starting a Lodge?


Love is the law, love under will.


Phyllis Wade


