Correspondence from Jean Overton Fuller to Philip Kaplan





4, Guilford Place

London, W.C.1.

Holborn 1368



August 7th, 1967



Dear Mr. Kaplan,


It was kind of you to write to me about my book on Victor Neuburg, and I am glad that you enjoyed it. Thanks you for your kind remarks.


While I was writing the book I would, of course, have been most interested to see photostats of the VISION AND THE VOICE notebooks, but I don't think I shall be doing any more on the subject, now.


My new work is on rather different subjects. I have two new books coming out next year: first SHELLEY: A BIOGRAPHY from Cape in February, and then PALE FOR THY PLEASURE: A BIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE from Chatto and Windus, in the spring. As you are interested in poets, as well as magic, you might find them interesting, as they do contain some new discoveries.


Thank you again for writing to me.


Yours sincerely,


Jean Overton Fuller


