Correspondence from Kenneth Grant to Israel Regardie







[21 January 1968]



I do not know whether you are in touch with any person or group—non-commercially and non-sensationally—dedicated to Thelemic activities in the States, but if you are I would very much like to hear about them. In this respect I am not particularly interested in drugs as such, although I understand and agree wholeheartedly with your remarks upon this subject. I am, however, most certainly interested in any individual (or group of individuals) trying to contact through magical means (especially O.T.O. Magick) extra-human entities such as are able to give power and knowledge of the kind required for establishing the Law of Thelema. If you would be willing to enter into correspondence with me along these lines I should be exceedingly pleased, even if only to further the publication and dissemination of articles such as the one you have recently contributed to 'Pentagram'.


