Correspondence from Kenneth Grant to Israel Regardie
[21 February 1968]
I am glad you are writing on A.C. because I am myself nearing the end of an exhaustive study of his magical doctrines; a sort of Magical History of Aleister Crowley.
Although the OTO members known to you are not, as you say, very heavy artillery, one of them may have some information which may be of value to me in connection with the last chapter of my Magical History. I am particularly interested in obtaining some more information about the late John W. Parsons who died in an accident in California in 1952 (?). Do you think any of the OTO members known to you would give me any help? I have various letters; part of a Magical Record; and a certain secret Liber which he claimed to have received. There are gaps in the story that I would like to fill in, so that I can round off the chapter I have mentioned.