Correspondence from Kenneth Grant to Mildred Burlingame
[6 March 1968]
Having, so far, written a fairly exhaustive magical history of A.C. I have now reached a stage which concerns 93 activities that occurred mostly after his death in 1947. As much of this involves the American—and particularly the Californian—scene, I would like very much to correspond with someone such as yourself who, being on the spot at the time, has direct experience of these matters. I am particularly keen to fill in the gaps in my 'history of 93'.
. . . So far as the American material goes I am in possession of (1) Liber 49 (2) An Analysis by a Master of the Temple of the Critical Nodes in the Experience of his Material Vehicle (3) The Book of Anti-Christ (4) The Manifesto of Anti-Christ (5) Letters of Jack Parsons to his wife Majorie Cameron (6) A detailed account of Frater 210's [Jack Parsons] Enochian Working 49 which resulted in the advent of Cameron (7) The Book of Babalon, and The Babalon Working (being extracts from the Magical Diary of Belarion [Jack Parsons] 8º=3o A∴A∴)
. . . And now, I hear you ask: What exactly do you want to know? The answer does not come easily because I have not been able to ascertain precisely just what happened after Parson's death. I do not know, for instance, if Jane Wolfe is still living. Cameron wrote many letters to J.W. (Estai) concerning her own activities which she underwent in connection with the so-called Babalon Working. I have copies of many of these letters, but no copies of Jane's replies to her. Also, I do not know if Cameron is still operating the Babalon formula, or even if she is still alive. I should very much like to know whether any phenomena of magical or historical interest resulted from the Babalon Working. Can you possibly enlighten me on these matters, and if possible let me make copies of any material you think to be significant or likely to be important in the long run. I know this is a difficult matter to decide. It is far from easy to say just exactly what will prove significant, either magically or historically speaking. One has but to recall the case of Frater Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] to realise this.