Correspondence from Gabriel Montenegro Vargas to Günther Naber[1]
Dr. G. Montenegro Post Office Box 76 Daly City, California 94016
19 September 1968
Care Fr∴ Beatus,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Greetings of the Autumnal Equinox!
I have just returned from my trip to the mountains of Lower Calif., México, near the area where my wife and I spent some time visiting some of her relatives. I enjoy very much such trips because it gives me a chance to be by myself among the trees in a dry climate so beneficial for the health of body and spirit.
I trust you and your wife are well, and that your problem of change of home and practice will be resolved with satisfaction and great benefit. Yes, the lot of the country Doctor is not an easy one, particularly these days of specialization. Good luck to you and my best wishes. Upon my arrival from México, I also received a letter from Brother Englert (Telepharos), confirming what you hint to me about the situation at Stein and requestion my help by providing him with certain pertinent information.
I have answered his letter today. No doubt you will have the opportunity to read it; it would be a good idea because it would give you an insight about my position in the matter.
It would also serve as an answer to your request, although brief, but along similar lines.
No, I did not get the book I sent you from either Brother Germer [Karl Germer] nor from Mrs. Germer [Sascha Germer]. Germer placed many such books for sale at New York. A lady book-seller from there bought a local store, and I bought it from her some 5 years ago for only $15.00, it was the last one she had, and a good copy, the colors on the reproduction of the Stélé of Revealing are much closer to the original than what you had previously seen. I saw the book-store lady the other day to see if she had another copy. She said that was the last one she had as they are unobtainable and would probably sell for more than twice as much these days if she had them.
Tell me, what is the extent of your Thelemic Library? Do you have "The Heart of the Master?" In this little Book is found the revelation of "The Temple of Truth," relating to the Initiation of Khaled Khan (The Master Therion). It is very important and most illuminating. With my heartiest brotherly love for you and your good wife S[oro]r. Barbara.
Love is the law, love under will.
Fra∴ Theophilos
1—Günther Naber was a member of Hermann Metzger's O.T.O. organization in Switzerland.