Correspondence from Gabriel Montenegro Vargas to Günther Naber[1]





11 October 1968



Care Fr Beatus,




It is my hope that you will answer my recent letter soon and in detail—letting me know your position and if you are in full account with Bro Englert.


This a.m. I received a multi-graphed "Bulletin" or "Private Organ" published by Bro Audehm—"Atum Zion"—is this connected with the German Thelemic Work or Lodge? Please tell me about this work of FrA. Audehm.


I hope you'll find time to write to me soon regarding these matter of mutual interest.


With my best fraternal wishes.


93     93/93


Fra Theophilos



1—Günther Naber was a member of Hermann Metzger's O.T.O. organization in Switzerland.


