Correspondence from Gabriel Montenegro Vargas to Günther Naber[1]
11 October 1968
Care Fr∴ Beatus,
It is my hope that you will answer my recent letter soon and in detail—letting me know your position and if you are in full account with Bro∴ Englert.
This a.m. I received a multi-graphed "Bulletin" or "Private Organ" published by Bro∴ Audehm—"Atum Zion"—is this connected with the German Thelemic Work or Lodge? Please tell me about this work of FrA∴. Audehm.
I hope you'll find time to write to me soon regarding these matter of mutual interest.
With my best fraternal wishes.
93 93/93
Fra∴ Theophilos
1—Günther Naber was a member of Hermann Metzger's O.T.O. organization in Switzerland.