Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Grady McMurtry






[6 December 1968]



I have been wondering and waiting and tonight I decided I have waited too long to speak what is on my mind. To me it was an unusual coincidence that three months after I let you know something about Karl's [Karl Germer] death and that I did know something about it, that the books should have been stolen from Sascha [Sascha Germer]. At the time when the books were stolen, I thought it could only be the work of someone familiar with the overall pattern of Sascha's life and residence and also familiar with the value of the things in that house. I warned her from the very beginning to place the books and manuscripts in the hands of responsible persons connected with either the O.T.O. or the A∴A∴ and evidently chose to ignore me. I could do nothing with her, for it was not long before she found occasion to listen to those diabolic whisperings of hers to push me clear from her orbit. In one way, perhaps it is right the books were taken and she was an unfit guardian, it is true. In another way, stealing is also a criminal action, and will no doubt carry some Karmic debt to be paid in some fashion, who knows? When all this occurred many ideas came to my mind about who it could be and of course you, among others, were one of the possibilities. If you had no hand in it, then I hope you will forgive my thoughts, but if you also did not know of this happening, then perhaps you ought to know?


[She goes on to say that if he does not answer her letter] I can only assume you may know a great deal about the disappearance of the books and manuscripts from the home of Karl Germer.


I sincerely apologize if I have entertained thoughts unworthy of the Real You or of the trust that Crowley once placed in you, and the hope, too, may I add. So now I can only say PLEASE ANSWER.


