Correspondence from Grady McMurtry  to Phyllis Seckler






[19 December 1968]



I can only give you my word that I know absolutely nothing about their [the Crowley books and manuscripts stolen from Sascha Germer] disappearance. If you had occasion to be around me for awhile, to observe my checkbook, my bills, my 'charming' impecuniousness, you would know that I can't even afford a trip to California, much less indulge in derring-do involving getting nest to Sascha. Because it had to be someone close to her. If, indeed, the books are really gone. I am enough of a bad guy that I can believe that she is putting out a false report.


As for the safeguarding of the A.C. material, each Thelemite will have to speak for himself on that. I saw the danger and tried to prevent it. I failed, but my conscience is clear because at least I tried. How many others can say the same?


Much as I personally dislike Sascha, I refuse to play the Adam bit and point to the woman and say 'She did it!' Karl [Karl Germer] accepted the responsibility for providing continuity for the A.C. materials. He failed to do so. Therefore the debt is his, not Sascha's.


[My life] has been moving on the stage where I am doing some planning on putting out my own magazine and, possibly, forming my own group. I could use some art work, if you are so inclined. Possibly this would be a chance to have some of your writing published.


