Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Grady McMurtry






[20 December 1968]



It was perhaps natural the Karl's [Karl Germer] mind sickness should infect me since I was his mistress for a very brief time and I also saw him behave in a fashion beyond his personality—that is, with some degree of illumination. It is true that he was also befogged by Sascha [Sascha Germer] and yet that whole situation was very peculiar. I ended up not knowing if the queer ideas I heard were pulled out of the unseen forces around Crowley's library for strange reasons of their own. Or else Sascha was so possessed by the black forces that Karl was swayed by her. I couldn't tell. He always exhibited paranoia, and she was worse. I hope you will accept my abject apologies for listening to Karl and being affected by his attitudes. Of course, I should have known better but I hardly knew you since whenever we met there was always a crowd around.


Yes, please consider me for art work.


