Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Grady McMurtry
[26 January 1969]
In a 'way-out' University town like Berkeley there may be some chance to establish a college of the occult. What do you think? Would you be interested? Frankly, this is an idea which is bugging me at present. To somehow found a Thelemic college. When I retire in 3 1/2 years I shall have about $2,000 a year, which isn't much, but if I manage it well I may be able to do something. I have said to my artist friends quite a few times that I might retire with more than a paint brush inn my hand. Am I crazy or not, I wonder?
I'll bet Karl [Karl Germer] was threatened by those letters of Crowley's. Here is a field for speculation and is maybe the reason Karl became suspicious of you. You see, Karl had a very strong Saturn in the 10th house, as I have said before, and it meant he wanted to be the top dog. Hitler and Mussolini and Napoleon also had the same type aspect. But the aspect also gives a great fall after a meteoric rise. Draw your own conclusions.
I like entirely the "Mystical Marriage of the Soldier and the Queen" and am inclined to think that 1962 did see you across the Abyss. That must have been an eventful year. Success is your proof.