Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Grady McMurtry






[3 February 1969]



[Excalibur will remain in the stone] until the right King comes along to pull it out. I am sure that Crowley really knew this, but at the same time he was eager—remember that injunction in the Book of the Law? "Deem not too eagerly to catch the promises?" It must have been that way because of Crowley's basic nature. Of course, this eagerness may be the failing of any Magus when they are worried about the fate of the Order or of Thelema—and it is very understandable. A.C. was hesitant to name anyone even if they showed great promise. I think he really took great cognizance of your promise by writing what he did to you. He could go no further until you had raised your own self to the needed level.


