Correspondence from Grady McMurtry  to Phyllis Seckler






[12 February 1969]



Our Thelemic College? Yes, of course, and one reason I have done so much milling around in all this correspondence, it so give you some idea of why I think I have, at long last qualified myself, by whatever experience, to sit up and run such a thing, but also to remind ourselves (which had, over time, somewhat gotten out of my mind) that the authority granted me by A.C. in his letters of 1946 was never revoked and was only subject to Karl's [Karl Germer] veto. But with Karl's death, of course, that veto went out of existence so that, so far as I am concerned, on that date I became, effectively, OHO [Outer Head of the Order]. Except that, by then, with all of the mismanagement involved, there was no Order, in any organizational sense, to be OHO of.


You damn sure have [the authority to start your own religion]. Anyone with the 9th can do anything. That is why we hold 'the whole property of the Order' in common. But it isn't just a matter of having the right, or the authority. It is a matter of having the know-how. Which is why I was all very cautious during my campaign in S. Calif. I was never authoritative. I was always 'democratic'. I always solicited everyone's opinion. I still believe I was right, in that, even tho it ended badly. Given the situation, it had to end badly, as I am sure we know now. Because I was unsure. I was the 'good' guy trying to get people to cooperate.


I knew what to do, and how to go about doing it. And don't anyone give me any back talk. If you want to play in my sandbox, you're welcome. If you don't, blow it out your tail pipe.


