Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Phyllis Seckler
[10 March 1969]
When you were telling me about your "past" I had to chuckle and think that I would have to tell you about my "present". As you can imagine, I've never taken a vow of celibacy, so when I pulled the plug with Foxie [Marjorie Fox] I've got a problem. One thing about old Fox. Regardless of her other problems she was one hell of a good lay . . . probably one reason I put up with her for so long even after I knew the whole thing was hopeless.
. . . no cat who has cracked the age of fifty barrier is ever going to be the swinging stud he was at 18-20. And also the old narcolepsy may be getting in its bite here, since that sort of thing involves nerve endings and synapses, etc., at least where the male is concerned, so on occasion I have embarrassed myself. Generally speaking, however, I seem to be adequate to the occasion, so I think we can look forward to getting a number of years of good mileage out of the old cat yet.
[I] am not going to go chasing it all over town because that's a stupid waste of time, even tho, swinging in and out of several "little theatre" groups as I do, god knows there is plenty of it laying around and all you have to do is look. [It comes natural to him to have a] good girl, good, of course, being defined in terms of the conventional square world, but not so "good" that she doesn't know what it is all about. She is really a sweet kid . . . if anyone in their mid-30's can be a "kid" . . . and she has been good to me. [She worked for the government and] had lived this life of "quiet desperation" for some time before I came along. And so while I hate to think of her being hurt, I know that she could never follow me on this kind of an adventure, being completely squaresville in outlook, even if I were dumb enough to try, and my big daddy didn't raise any stupid sons, and I'm the only one he raised.
Would that you were here, or I there, so that you could take her place as a living, breathing "Representative of Heaven on Earth" so that, in your arms, in serving you I might serve, and we together serve SOUL IS UNION that great Goddess of ours whose name I almost hesitate to mention. This picture is, by the way, essentially the cover I will be wanting done for that publication I mentioned.