Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Phyllis Seckler






Forthampton Court




20 March 69



Dear Mrs. Wade,


Your 16 March 69. I am afraid that Sascha [Sascha Germer] wrote that [X] [Phyllis Seckler's daughter] was the girl who threw acid in her eyes. But it is quite clear that poor Sascha's mind is no longer clear and that she easily gets mixed up. So, please, on no account let her know that I have told you. Your letter saying that it could not be [X] who was responsible will remain in the file to clear her name. It does however look as if 3 men and one woman at sometime or other connected with 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue] were responsible. She (Sascha) has not replied to my letter asking for full names.


Poor Regardie [Israel Regardie] had nothing to do with it and three weeks ago lost all his Crowley books and Golden Dawn materials when his house was burgled expressly for all this material. I will not tell anyone that you have the Jane Wolfe material, or you might well be next on the list.


If I ever get reliable information as to who was responsible I will let  you know so that you can be warned against the people responsible. But suspect old members of 1003.


John Symonds is still alive and I am in touch with him. He has nothing to do with the copyright in Frieda Harris Tarot card designs. She left them to me in her will, and I have deposited them with the Warburg Institute. If you want coloured photographs of the originals you get in touch with them and argue copyright position with them. They will I expect make some charge if you are going to reproduce them. I expect they can quote you for the cost of having coloured transparencies made. I have no objection to your making such use of them as you want.


Herr Metzger's [Hermann Metzger] address is"


Gasthof Rose

CH-9063 Stein AR

Zurich. Switzerland.


As Karl left no successor in the O.T.O. I doubt whether any further legal charters can be issued in the States. Certainly any charter stolen from Sascha is automatically invalid. Metzger therefore is the only person of whom I know who has a valid charter from Karl [Karl Germer] and so entitled to give a valid one to someone else. Karl before his death revoked the charter that he gave to someone [Kenneth Grant] in London.


The address of the Warburg Institute is Woburn Square London W.C.1. and the librarian is J.B. Trapp. If you write him mention that you got the address from me.


Yours sincerely,


Gerald Yorke


As long as the Jane Wolfe papers and letters are in your safe hands, I am content and hope that your book about her is successful. Do please make an extra carbon of it for me to place in the archive.


P.S. I have never heard of Dr. Montenegro [Gabriel Montenegro]. Regardie and I in our youth were disciples together of A.C. and left him as our teacher at approximately the same time. He is an honorable friend of mine and would have had nothing to do with Sascha's loss. He has never been interested in the O.T.O. side of A.C., being a Rosicrucian Qabalist.


