Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Robert Lund





June 16, 1969



Dear Mr. Lund:


You wrote me a letter, a very kind letter in May 7 1958 which I believe I did not answer. I was under surveillance at the time, and thought it would be better for you not to become linked with me in any way.


However, long years have passed, Rosemary's Baby has blossomed, the Flower People are clamoring I doubt they know exactly for what, and the Powers That Be have enough to worry them without concerning themselves with those measly critters, the Thelemites. So I'm making contact, mainly because (natch) I need a favor.


If you possess a copy of Liber 185, Liber Collegii Sancti, I would be extremely grateful if you would have it photocopied for me. I would of course pay the necessary expenses—it is just 14 pages, I understand.


If you do not have the book, but possess a TS [typescript], I would be grateful if you would make a copy for me.


If neither of the above happens to be true, but if you know somebody of whom either is, I would be grateful if you would ask that somebody for the favor I am asking you.


I need the Oaths of the Grades and the Tasks very urgently. Also, if you have a copy of "Liber Ararita," I would be grateful if you could make a transcript for me.


 I will gladly explain my need for those things, in case you think that an explanation is necessary. I am a Zelator of the AA and a pupil of the late Karl Germer. He was already very sick when he typed over my Task of the Zelator, and he made an error, repeating part of the Task of the Neophyte. Since his wife [Sascha Germer] does not like me at all, I do not trust her to furnish a true copy. Also, I am now my own teacher, working entirely alone, and I need the subsequent Oaths and Tasks. This is a serious handicap. I hope you can help.




Marcelo Ramos Motta


