Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Hermann Metzger
[28 June 1969]
As our beloved brother Frater Saturnus (Karl Johannes Germer) died without leaving a proper organizational continuity for our most holy Order, at least on this side of the Atlantic, I am hereby invoking the emergency powers [. . .]. I understand that yours is one of the few duly authorized and chartered Lodges now operating. I am currently establishing a Lodge in Northern California, under my authorization to take charge and to organize the whole work of the Order in California, which may be in operation by the time you receive this. It will be of value to me to hear from you, both as a Brother of the Order and as the head of your Lodge, concerning the question of Grand Lodge and the various officers thereof, including the O.H.O., the Caliphate, and the chartering of new lodges [. . .]. Should we be able to recover the A.C. materials from the criminals who currently hold them, I anticipate an equitable distribution between Yorke [Gerald Yorke], for the Warburg Institute, yourself, and our needs.”