Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Grady McMurtry







[12 August 1969]



As to the 'magical child', I have known several people who have laid claim to the title. The only one acknowledged as such by A.C. was Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] who finally went wrong by proclaiming to me and one other that he had inaugurated the Aeon of Ma to replace that of Horus.


If Metzger [Hermann Metzger] ignores you, then ignore him. You have credentials of your own. But be careful not to claim to be O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order] of the whole O.T.O. order. Carry on without making grandiloquent claims and if your work is sound you could become the O.H.O. But do not claim it prematurely.


Ken Anger is not a member of Metzger's Lodge. He spent a weekend with me a fortnight ago. He is a Thelemite working exclusively on his own and the film of Lucifer Rising on which he is now working will be a remarkable thing . . .


Kenneth Grant had an O.T.O. charter for England from Karl [Karl Germer], but Karl later revoked it against my advice. . . . But if you write him, as likely as not he will not reply. He now works independently. He has the third copy of all the important typescripts of diaries, etc, etc. He copied much of Karl's material for me and of my material for Karl. Louis Wilkinson and Frieda Harris are now dead.


He [Hermann Metzger] is trying to claim to be the head of every sort of Order—a common failing and entirely in A.C.’s tradition, for A.C. always claimed more authority in occult orders than in fact he had. For instance he was only O.H.O. of that part of the O.T.O. which accepted the Book of the Law, the German branch for instance never did, and has since died out. If Metzger ignores you, then ignore him. You have credentials of your own. But be careful not to claim to be O.H.O. of the whole O.T.O. order, carry on without making grandiloquent claims and if your work is sound you could become O.H.O. But do not claim it prematurely.



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